Hilfe für Tsunami-Opfer in Südindien

Ergebnis unserer Schule: 58 744,00 €


Finanziert mit diesem Geld erhielten die ersten Fischerfamilien bereits Ende März neue Glasfiber-Boote und damit eine neue Existenz. Das Geld wurde zu 100% an das Stella Maris Social Centre in Kanyakumari (Südindien) überwiesen.

Sr. Monica vom Stella Maris Social Centre in schreibt...


... Ten boats are already in Stella Maris this evening came in trucks. 

Tomorrow evening, in a meeting presided by our District Collector and Health Minister nine boats donated by Uschi Dornoff and friends will be given to Tsunami affected fishermen who are members of our Self Help Men Groups. 

Next lot will come in 15 days.

After the completion of the supply of boats and catamarans we will send you the accounts and report. I am happy to send you some more photos we have taken of the boats while they were taken on trucks to their own places. ... 

Next photos will be the boats in the sea.

With deep gratitude, lots & love and prayers,

Yours in Our Lord,

Sr. Monica